Apologise Or Cough Up Rs 100 Million; Ali Zafar Files Defamation Case Against Meesha Shafi
Ali Zafar has sent Meesha Shafi a Rs 100 Million defamation suit that asks her to issue a public apology to Ali; failure to do so will ensure she coughs up Rs 100 Million in defamation...

Meesha Shafi had recently accused Ali Zafar of sexual harassment with both parties going back and forth on the charges, allegations and counter allegations; the case is getting murkier by the day. After Meesha, lots of women have come out and accused Ali of sexual harassment. Now, Ali has hit back at Misha and filed a Rs 100 Million defamation suit against Meesha.

Ali Zafar
If Meesha has to save herself from paying up Rs 100 Million, she either has to prove her claims or render a public apology to Ali.
Meesha Shafi
A few days back, Meesha accused Ali of sexual harassment via a Twitter post.
Sharing this because I believe that by speaking out about my own experience of sexual harassment, I will break the culture of silence that permeates through our society. It is not easy to speak out.. but it is harder to stay silent. My conscience will not allow it anymore #MeToo pic.twitter.com/iwex7e1NLZ
— Meesha Shafi (@itsmeeshashafi) April 19, 2018
Soon enough Ali came out in his defence and said that all the allegations levied by Meesha were baseless and false.
Ali even said that he would take the route of the law and not say anything on social media.
Image Source: instagram/bollyworks/alizafar/instagram/twitter/Meesha Shafi